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SOC 251--Modern Social Problems/Roberts: Article Databases

by Cindy L. Yonovich


Article Databases are--
  • Carefully selected subscriptions
  • Contain authoritative, reliable, full-text articles
  • Sources include scholarly journals (some peer-reviewed), magazines & newspapers
  • Search using keywords from your assignment
  • Each database indexes different sources and has its own editorial policy 
  • Each database navigates differently
    • Look for directions and tips on the search page
    • Ask the librarian for assistance


  • Enter your search terms in the search boxes
  • Use the drop down options as needed for keyword, subject, etc.
  • Check the Limit Results boxes for full text (& peer reviewed if needed)
  • Click on the Search link
View Articles--Printing & Citation Building
  • Click on the PDF or HTML link for full text
    • Review the article for content
    • Print the article
  • Print the citation in MLA or APA format
    • Click on the Print icon in the Tools Box
    • Click on the middle radial button
    • Select either MLA or APA in the drop down box
    • Click Print to build the citation
    • Print citation and keep it with the article
    • Edit as needed to comply with MLA or APA guidelines


To search Sociology Database & ProQuest Central--
  • Enter search terms in the box
  • Click on the Full Text & Peer Reviewed boxes
  • Click on the Search button
To find an article--
  • Peruse the list of articles
  • Limit by date published as needed
  • Note the date and length of an article
  • Select one by clicking on the title
  • Read the abstract or first few paragraphs
    • Determine if article is appropriate
    • Evaluate the complexity of the article
To save & print an article + citation--
  • Click on the Full-text PDF tab to view the article
    • Article appears as it did in the original journal
    • Allows you to see charts, pictures, etc.
  • Look for the Tools Box in the right frame
    • Click on the Download PDF button
    • Print or save or e-mail the article
  • Click on the Cite link in the Tools Box
    • Select the MLA 8 OR APA style from the citation drop-down box
    • Highlight and copy the citation
    • Paste the citation into Word, Word Pad, etc.
  • Click on the Back to Results link to find other articles

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