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SOC 251--Modern Social Problems/Roberts: Overview

by Cindy L. Yonovich


Library resources to use for your assignment—Ain't No Makin' It : Aspirations and Attainment in a Low-Income Neighborhood, Third Edition Cover Image
  • Reference Databases
    • Handbooks, dictionaries, and encyclopedias online
    • For overview information, definitions, historical perspective, & statistics
  • MCCC Library Site--
    • To find books and DVDs
    • Use for additional info--look at Table of Contents & the Index
  • Article Databases
    • Sources include magazines, journals & newspapers
    • To find current, cutting edge information & research

Reference Databases

Article Database--Annual Review of Sociology Indexing & Search

MCCC Library Site

Article Databases--Research Articles

SOC 251--Roberts, Winter Term 2021

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