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Respiratory Therapy: MCCC Library Site

by Cindy Yonovich


DISCOVERY SEARCH--books, DVDs, articles & more
  • Begin with a keyword search
    • Combine terms using Boolean operators
    • Refine search terms as needed
  • Use the FACETS to refine your search results
    • Limit results to the LAST 5 YEARS

    • Use the PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES facet for articles

    • BOOKS/E-BOOKS--use the Table of Contents & Index
      • Each book or e-book has a unique editorial point of view
      • Find chapters or portions relevant to your research
      • You may need several books/e-books for a research project


Enter your terms in Search Box, click on SEARCH
  • Enter author, title, keyword or subject terms
  • Use Boolean operators if needed


Click on a title in the results list--
  • Note availability
  • Also note format of print or electronic
  • Limit results with facets in left frame if desired
    • Years of publication
    • Books or e-books
    • Articles--general or peer-reviewed
  • SIGN IN using the button, upper right
    • Login & Password are your college credentials
    • Also use college sign-on credentials for off campus access
  • SAVE individual items using the button above the title
    • Print the SAVED ITEMS as needed
    • Create a well named LIST if you wish to save items for future reference
  • Click on VIEW ITEMS link top left of the page to return to your search
  • See a librarian if you have any questions

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