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ECE--Early Childhood Education: Reference Sources

by Cindy L. Yonovich

Reference Databases & Books

Handbooks, dictionaries, and encyclopedias--Person Typing on Keyboard
  • For overview info, definitions, historical perspective, & statistics
  • Coverage for a wide variety of disciplines & topics
  • Formats include online or in print
  • Ask the librarian or your instructor for assistance


Search two ways--
  • Enter terms Basic Search Box, click on Search button
    • Topic Page often the first entry, followed by reference entries
    • Browse the entries
    • Click on the title to see the article
    • Click on PRINT icon to print the article
      • Article opens in a PDF
      • MLA & APA citations print on separate page -OR-
  • Click on the BROWSE CREDO link (3 lines next to logo)
    • Open a link
    • Scroll through the titles listed
    • Select a reference work to search
      • Enter your search terms
      • Click on the title of an article
      • PRINT article & citation page

REFERENCE BOOK--Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health-GVRL

  • Enter your terms in the search box
  • Click on the Search button
  • Browse the articles
View Articles--Printing & Citation Building
To see an individual article, click on the title to open it
  • PRINT the item 
    • Click on the Download icon in the Tools box
    • Select PDF & click on Download
    • Click Open in bottom box
    • Print PDF with Adobe Print button
  • BUILD the CITATION by clicking on the Citation Tools button in the Tools box
    • A Citation box appears--click on the MLA or APA
    • Click on Download
    • The Download Document box will appear, click on SAVE
    • Click on OPEN when Downloaded Document Complete box opens


  • Enter a title, ISSN, or search term to find journals or other periodicals
  • Click on SEARCH
  • Scroll through the list of titles
  • Match the results to publication you want to verify
  • Click on the title to see the results








Ulrichsweb--results--PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL
Look for peer-reviewed journal characteristics
  • Refereed symbol--YES
  • Serial type--Journal
  • Content type--Academic / Scholarly
    • Content type determines if a publication is scholarly
    • Trade journals often look similar to scholarly publications, but do not contain actual research
    • VERIFY every title you use for research

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