Young Children is NAEYC’s award-winning, peer-reviewed journal. Articles in Young Children support educational excellence and focus on meeting the needs of all children, birth through third grade.
Early Childhood Education Journal is a professional publication of original peer-reviewed articles that reflect exemplary practices in the field of contemporary early childhood education.
With this book, discover ideas for both familiar and new play materials and how those materials support the cognitive, social and emotional, and physical learning and development of children from birth to age 3.
The book covers a range of trauma-responsive teaching strategies that readers can use to create strength-based environments that support children’s health, healing and resiliency.
Child-centered lesson planning can have a daily positive impact on your time and energy and on the quality of children’s learning and engagement―but it takes organization and a toolbox full of strategies and ideas.
This second edition invites readers to be informed consumers of both quantitative and qualitative methods in early childhood research. It offers side-by-side coverage and comparison about the assumptions, questions, purposes, and methods for each, presenting unique perspectives for understanding young children and early care and education programs.
Applied Behavior Analysis in Early Childhood Education provides a basic introduction to applied behavior analysis and overviews the highly beneficial role that it can play in early childhood education for both typically developing children and those with special needs.
Theories of Early Childhood Education continues to provide a comprehensive overview of the various theoretical perspectives in early childhood education from developmental psychology to critical studies, Piaget to Freire
Understanding children’s health; creating, implementing, and following sound health and safety policies and procedures; and learning to treat and respond to health concerns and emergencies are critical to the success of every early learning program.
Together, the voices of early childhood educators, scholars, and professionals can sound the call to advance the profession toward more equitable educational experiences, systems, and practices for all children.
This book is a first-of-its-kind guide for pre-service and currently practicing teachers and child care professionals looking for pedagogically sound and developmentally appropriate ways to help today's children navigate their media-rich world with confidence, curiosity, and critical thinking.